Co-Parenting to a New Beginning
Welcome to the New Beginnings Co-Parenting After Divorce website.
Most people want a low-cost, efficient divorce. View our professional guidance models complete with cost controls, parenting plans, and financial settlements. View our Models.
We are here to help you and offer a full array of services from court-ordered parenting after divorce classes to divorce coaching, mediation, and parental responsibility evaluator services. View our Services.
Co-Parenting After Divorce Classes
Class Level 1 & Level 2 can be taken Online only.
NOTE: For parties who register for our parenting classes, we will provide discounts for other services offered through New Beginnings.
With the divorce rate in the United States at 50%, it has become increasingly important to educate all parents going through the process of divorce about the specific effects divorce can have on their children.
Although you may have ended a bad marriage, it is possible to have a good divorce. The choices you make now, as to how you choose to manage your divorce, will be largely indicative of how your child or children will be able to cope with your divorce. There are better and worse ways to divorce. Commit to taking the high road.
We at New Beginnings are committed to helping you see the divorce process through the eyes of your children while giving you the best information to meet both their needs, as well as your own.
We are here to make a difference and are confident that you will find our comprehensive services, programs, books, and videos a valuable resource through the journey of divorce.
Kristine Turner, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist

Taking the course
Our court-approved co-parenting after-divorce classes are available online.
Whether you are taking our course as part of a court mandate or simply to ensure a smooth and healthy transition period for you and your children during your divorce, we believe you'll find the information presented a valuable resource for becoming an even better parent.
Our online course covers all of the court-required materials ranging from how to communicate with your former spouse, to how to nurture and parent your kids, to how to take care of yourself, including the emotional stages of divorce for kids and adults.
Busy people love our format because they can take the course in small sections, stop at any time, and log in as many times as necessary to complete it.
Get started on your path to a new beginning now.
View Our Classes